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How often should I water my new plantings? (during the first month)

Once a day
Twice a day
Three times a day
Every other day
Every third day
Not sure
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Question: How often should I water my new plantings? (during the first month)
Top Answer (42% of 350 votes): Once a day.

Answer: Every other day
Explanation: This depends on the plant type as all plants require different amounts and different types of nutrients and watering schedules! Always check with your plant provider for an accurate description of the feeding and watering schedules for your desired plant types!
RBC home improvement & cleaning services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Daily for the first 8-12 weeks to help set the root system.
KC's Maintenance LLC
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Early in the morning and late in the afternoon. However, it’s important not to over water.
Champion Farms LLC
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Morning and evening
Mike's Mowing
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Once in the morning and once int the evening
King Landscape
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: water daily for 2 weeks then water every 2 to 3 days for 11 to 12 weeks then water weekly until roots have started.
EverMoore LLC
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Depends on weather in type of planting
Texas Green Boys LLC
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Week one: Water plants daily or every other day. Recently planted roots will absorb moisture from a small area until they begin to grow. Week two onward: Unless the weather is extremely hot and dry, you may be able to decrease watering frequency to two or three times per week until the fall rains begin.
Felix's Yard Renewal and Trash Removal
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: The need to establish a root system in order to survive so daily watering may be necessary to do so.
DR Landcare
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: Allow the new plants an opportunity to establish its root system without drowning the plants
Cuttin-up Lawn Care And Grounds Maintenance
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: First week water every day unless there is rainfall that day Second week water every other day, unless there is rainfall that day Third we can beyond water 2 to 3 times a week. The two top inches of the soil should be dry in between watering’s. Continue this method throughout the rest of the year.
Bkd Home Services llc
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: This is the proper amount of watering you should do for new plants because studies show that it gives it the water that it needs to continue to grow and produce new growth for many years to come.
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Three times a day
Explanation: Good to supply a good amount of water. So that the roots can expand further out
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: First week everyday, 2 every other day, 3rd week once every few days .
Perez Lawn care
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Because plants need to stay hydrated
Ready-Set-Go Landscaping & Renovation
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: It’s best to water plants in twice daily to ensure proper watering for new roots.
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: Watering new plants every three days give the plants root system time to absorb the water or combination of water and nutrients to promote growth. Over watering may inhibit growth
Cuttin-up Lawn Care And Grounds Maintenance
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: This really depends on the plant and the environment that you place the plant in.
Greenspace Lawn Care AND Home maintenance
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: Well, it depends what plants you are watering.
DC Lawn Service
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Twice a day is best recommended to help the plants roots attach to give the plant the best chance of survival.
GPLawncare LLC
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: It can been harmful to over wayer
Anthony Scott’s lawn service
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Every day for the first two weeks, then two to three times week after.
Ask Me How LLC.
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: I always like to water my new plants in the morning hours and the evening hours if it’s going to be a hot day.
B&M Lawn Services LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: How often to water depends on several factors including daily high temperatures, soil type, type of irrigation, and these conditions change over time.
Beaudry Garden Design
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Depends upon the time of year & weather.
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Water plants as soon as you get them in the ground. Allow the water to soak in, then water again until the soil is thoroughly moistened. Week one: Water plants daily or every other day. Recently planted roots will absorb moisture from a small area until they begin to grow. Week two onward: Unless the weather is extremely hot and dry, you may be able to decrease watering frequency to two or three times per week until the fall rains begin. Watering New Sod: Once installed, apply at least 1? of water. During the rooting process (10-14 days), water lightly twice daily. Water should not puddle, but the roots need to stay moist. As the roots deepen, gradually lesson your watering schedule.
Mist-O-Matic, Inc
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: You should water your lawn half an inch every three days—or an inch of water once a week. Sometimes you shouldn't water at all if your soil is hydrated. You can check by taking a screwdriver and pushing it into the soil. If it slides down easily, then your lawn is hydrated.
LawnStarter Lawn Care Service
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: make sure it has water but not to over water and kill off.. so the roots can dig and become firm.
Bubba Dean Home & Lawn
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Plants need a good socking once a day a new lawn will need watered two times a day. You have to pay attention to how the ground socks up the water and how hot it is out.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Keep them moist. In Texas with the heat it's possible to water 3times some days
Anthony samsone
Answer: Three times a day
Explanation: Making sure new plants have sufficient water is key until root systems have established themselves
Westfall landscaping
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Pending weather conditions
Guaranteed Clean Property Management
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: The water should be allowed to drip for several hours until the well around the plant is full. This allows the roots time to absorb the water for a longer time. This allows the plant to become established.
Sergius Neamtu inc.
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Once in the morning and once at night.
All Year Property Care
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: In new planting getting water is key to its survival. It is best to water all plants early in the morning. The reason is that it will hold more water on the soil and not absorb as fast as say during the midday.
Carolinas Finest Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Depending on your geographic location and plant type.
Glatfelter Property Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: The following are general guidelines. How often and how long you water will depend on your soil and other factors. Year One: When Planting Water plants as soon as you get them in the ground. Allow the water to soak in and drain, and water again, until the soil is thoroughly moistened. Spring through Fall, When Weather is Dry For the first week or so after planting… Water just-planted plants frequently - daily or every other day - as the roots will not be able to access soil moisture from a very large area until they begin to grow. After the first week or so... Unless the weather is extremely hot and dry, you may be able to decrease watering frequency, perhaps to two or three times per week, for the next month or so.
Hampton Roads We Cut Grass
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Depending on the season, the size of plants, and the temperature. On average 2-3 weeks, twice a day is ideal.
Green Peas Lawn Care
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: You should need to water deeply only once or twice per week in dry weather if you have selected the right plant for the right place, prepared the soil and planted correctly, and mulched your plants. Exactly how often and how long you water will depend on your soil and other conditions.
Lawn Ranger
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: Water every other day keeps the soil rich in nutrition for newly planted plants .
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Early morning and afternoon are good times to water..
Aries Landscape & Construction
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Plants are like people, they need a drink of water every day.
Bay Area Garden Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: watering once a day should be enough water for new plantings.
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: The plant is used to being at a greenhouse or nursery where it gets watered once a day. An the plant goes through a transplant shock.
Cedar Ridge Landscaping LLC
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: Over-watering can damage root growth
J&M Landscaping
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Morning and Evening time is ideal before and after the sun is going away. This avoids scorching of the plants.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: This greatly depends on the water needs of the species of plant and other environmental conditions but typically deeper, infrequent waterings are better than daily shallow waterings.
Phocas Landscape
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Water lightly for 15 minutes 2 times per day.
Landmark lawncare
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: ...
Everardo Landscaping
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: New plantings should be watered daily for the purpose of the plant to settle in and for the roots to take hold of its new location.
J & J Removal Services, LLC
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: Proper watering is the key. A long low soaking is better that frequent quick watering. Place a milk jug or a 5 gallon bucket by a plant and put a couple small holes in the bottom Fill the containers quickly and let the water trickle out slowly This will get a good penetrating watering and only a couple of times a week will be needed Watch the plants that wilt first. They will be a good sign it's time to water again
Mr Falls Tree Experts
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Two to three times is fine. I would try at least 2 times during that first month. Keep it moist but not SOGGY.
Operation Clean Cutz Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Should be done once a day at least
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: allowing your plant to maintain proper moisture level allows your plant to grow healthy.
Engines & More
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: You do not water to over water new plants. When you plant for the first time plants need a good mix of water and sunlight to maintain a positive balance for growth.
Three Men Lawn
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: The most important thing is that they are not allowed to dry up. So it will vary.
Mahar Landscape Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: For the first 2 weeks, daily.
Henningsen Property Maintenance LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Here on Long Island, it is likely you will never need to water your turf. Greenplay organic infill retains moisture from rainfall and humidity providing an evaporative effect as it releases cool moisture. Should we experience a heat wave without relief of rain use of a temporary watering reel will provide necessary moisture. Greenplay uses 90% less water than natural grass saving millions of gallons of water.
Greenplay Organics
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Keep all new seeds or sod moist, but not soaked. Over watering can drown grass and/or cause mold and bacteria to grow. Watering early morning allows the seed or sod to absorb moisture before hot sun evaporates it away and evening watering helps the seed or sod recover and absorb nutrients over night.
Backyard Boys Enterprise, LLC
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: You really need to water your plants only once a day unless the temperature starts to reach over 90 degrees if so best to water twice
Carders Tree & Landscaping
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Should water at least once a day, if not twice a day.
Clearly Better Properties
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: Water morning and evening to help the plant become established.
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: It all depends on your climate. The roots adapt to the soil conditions. Do not forget that it is easier to rotten the roots with excessive water rather than kill the plant with little irrigation.
TopLand Construction
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: When establishing new plants it is best to keep them moist, water in the morning before the heat and after work hours
Yards by Wes
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Water plants daily or every other day. Just-planted roots will be able to absorb soil moisture from only a small area until they begin to grow.
Darius Design Build
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: Depending on the plant, if you water too much you can drown and kill the plant, shrub or grass.
Salinas Lawn Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: Depending on your soil quality & the weather that day, you don't go on a schedule your soil will tell you when you need to water because it will be drier
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: This is critical to speed up the root growth.
MGP Smart Home Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: If that. As long as the base of the tree(roots) stay moist, you're good to go.
Galloway Land Services
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: once a day for the first week then every third day
Pinnacle Landscape and Maintenance
Answer: Twice a day
Explanation: It's better to keep the plants wet so the roots will be established and grow more.
Galloway's Lawncare
Answer: Every third day
Explanation: Water new plantings 3 times per week.
Lawn Rescue
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: A good rule of thumb is to water plantings when soil is dry to touch 2 inches below surface.
Haley Enterprises
Answer: Once a day
Explanation: stress is a primary cause of plant failure. watering daily helps ensure proper moisture for the roots to not dry out and kill the plant
chesapeake bay landscaping
Answer: Every other day
Explanation: You will need to water 3-4 times a week depending upon the heat, lack of rainy days, and soil conditions. If conditions are more severe or favorable, you’ll need to adjust.
Pasquale Landscaping Professional Service
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